Dear all Medical friends,We are very pleased to inform you about our Bali International Summer School 2013

Bali International Summer School 2013 is a one-week program of activities held by the International Affair Department of Student Association Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University in Bali.


The topic of this Summer School is Travel Medicine.With the decreasing of boundaries and the increasing of activities, traveling becomes one of global lifestyle. Due to this phenomenon, medical problems related-travel is rapidly increase and need a serious concern on it, especially about tropical diseases. The global risk of infectious disease spreading is high as a result of the increased activity in tourism. Travel medicine can play its role in minimizing such risk and safe traveling can be achieved. Bali International Summer School 2013 will encourage participants from all around the world to share information about their countries health system, culture, behavior, and also other unique things; an opportunity to strengthen the relationship between medical students from all around the world.


Programs include:
-Opening Ceremony
-Discussion and Demonstration about Tropical Diseases in Travel Medicine
-Observation at Sanglah Hospital
-Balinese Cultural Program
-Student Gathering and Intercultural Activities
-City Tour
-Farewell Party
-And many more.


This activity is open to all medical students and students who do not study in medical school but still have importance in dealing with health problems. For example dentistry, nursing, pharmacy students, etc). We are looking for 30 motivated participants.Please download our Poster, Brochure, and Application Form by copy this link and also visit our official  website for the complete information.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.Contact information:
-Web                  :
-Email               :
-Facebook       : Bali International Summer School
-Twitter            : @BISS_2013
-Skype              : bali_summerschool


We really hope that many of you will join us in Bali International Summer School 2013. It’ll be a great way to expand knowledge while enjoying the unique cultures and paradise of Bali Island at the same time. We’ll be looking forward to seeing your application, don’t miss out!

Best regards,  Diandra Sabila Giana

Public Relations Bali International Summer School 2013
Email               :
Twitter            : @diandrasabila
Tel                    : +62857 807 63 828